Introduction of website
In this world there are various types of website according to their jobs, personal, blogs etc. Making a website not a big deal. Everyone with a little knowledge can make a website with a help of various web designing softwares like Dreamweaver, Html, Java etc. A website is defined as a collection of web pages(document written in a plain text to distribute or supply information in a HTML/X HTML language) ,images, videos or other various informations that are addressed in a common URL(Uniform Resource Locator) through the internet path or Internet protocol. A web site is hosted by a web-server or there must one web server who hosts the website.
The Web pages we made are generated and transported with the help of HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocal) which helps to maintain the security and privacy for the individuals who opens the web page contents.
WWW stands for World Wide Web. All the web sites which is for public is collected under the WWW. For example :
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